MIT Sloan Management experiences shared at NTUA

Post-doc researcher Dimitris Ptochos, shared some experience from attending a two-year executive management course at MIT - Sloan Management School.  In the picture below, Dimitris shares his experience with NTUA DSS Lab researchers and staff.


Main points of the discussion and leasons learned:  specialisation, professionalism, market orientation, global coverage, american standards, european and asian students, extremely high costs.

Deliberation of the Greek “Ontology for Reorganisation of the State”, July 21, 2011

More than 30 experts from Greek Public Sector organisations, ICT industries and research laboratories joined the public deliberation on the Greek Governance Transformation Ontology.   The presentation and discussion was held in National Technical University of Athens, which together with ITMC Consulting  are implementing the project “Taxonomies for the Reorganisation of State, on behalf of the Greek Ministry of Administration Reform and Electronic Governance.

Yannis Charalambous from ITMC, and the administrative manager of the above project presented the overall scope and objectives, focusing at the ontology methodology and proposed management processes. Yannis Charalabidis, Assistant Professor at University of Aegean and scientific manager of the Taxonomies project on behalf of NTUA/ICCS gave a full view of the ontology, which includes more than 300 classes and 700 definitions.  
Specific attendance was given to the proposed codelists which cover a part of Greek Public sector, coming from different actors including the Greek Ministry of Finance,  the Greek Statistics Office, the Ministry of Administration Reform and Electronic Governance.  The need for further standardization and promotion of codelists for the public sector was emphasized.

In an one-hour workshop session, participants contributed useful innovative ideas on issues of the ontology, the governing processes and the next needed steps in scientific and governmental collaboration.

View of the audience at NTUA

Find the presentation on the ontology here:

AEGEAN Startups 2011

Aegean Startups is the 1st Panhellenic Competition on e-Entrepreneurship, giving the opportunity to Greek citizens and students to get initial financing for their business plans.  Organised by the University of Aegean / Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering in Samos, with the exclusive financial support of TANEO New Economy Fund the competition takes place in September and October 2011.

After a written competition and final live presentation in front of the Aegean Startups Scientific Committee, 3 winning teams will each be funded with 15,000 EUR for realizing their business idea.  The funding is provided as a prize, not in exchange of company shares or other contribution by the enterprise.

The Aegean Startups 2011 organisation is supported by National Technical University of Athens, Athens University of Economic and Business, Microsoft Innovation Centre Greece and VirtualTrip group.

More information on the terms of the Aegean Startups 2011 Competition at:

The Samos 2011 Summit on Future Internet, 4-7 July 2011

More than 80 high-level ICT experts and decision makers from 20 countries participate in the international Samos 2011 Summit on “Future Internet: The Power to Change Society”, that takes place from 4th -6th July 2011 in the island of Samos. The Samos Summit is being held with the support of the European Commission – DG Information Society and Media and is co-organised by the University of Aegean, the Greek Interoperability Centre of the National Technical University of Athens and the ENSEMBLE FP7 project – a supportive action to the EC Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster. The Samos Summit is supported by research and development centres of Google, IBM, Microsoft, Intrasoft International, Engineering, Whitehall Reply and Athens Technology Centre. 

Mr. Bernard Barani, representative of the European Commission, Directorate - General for Information Society & Media and a keynote speaker at the Summit, outlined the current status of Future Internet Enterprise Systems research as well as the preparation for the next research period and the HORIZON 2020 programme, spanning over 2013 to 2020.

Professor Socratis Katsikas, Greek State General Secretary of Telecommunications, made an intervention on «The Greek Digital Agenda in times of crisis: How next generation networks can change the landscape», presenting the planned actions and the envisaged impact for telecommunication infrastructures and digital services. 

Samos Summit participants at the Karlovassi Town Hall
(Uni Aegean students - dancers in the front)

Yannis Charalabidis, Assistant Professor at the University of the Aegean in the Department of Information and Communication Systems, located in Karlovasi, and chair of the Samos Summit, commented on this high-level meeting: “We are particularly pleased that Samos will for a few days be at the centre of developments for the Future Internet and its applications for enterprises, governments and citizens, internationally. In the framework of the Samos Summit, important statements and presentations are being made from leading enterprises, research centres and collaborative ICT projects. The contribution of Greek scientists, researchers and enterprises will be essential in this sector but also reciprocal for society, towards open and effective governance.”

More information about the Samos 2011 Summit, including photos, videos and all the presentations of the event, at:

Metteg Gonference in Camerino, June 30 2011

It was on June 30 and July 1st 2011 that the 5th International Conference on Methodologies, Technologies and Tools enabling e-Government took place in lovely Camerino, Marche Region, Italy.  Being almost 100 km from Ancona Airport, Camerino is a place that really worths the extra effort to getting there.  Peaceful but energetic, beautiful enough but getting better, this post-medieval village provided the place for one of the oldest Universities in Italy. Within the computer science faculty of Camerino University is where MetteG gets its resources for this year.

Invited for the Opening Keynote speech on the Future Research areas of Electronic Governance, I spent some lovely hours at the …. Hotel, right at the top of a neighboring hill.  The conference was a gathering of not too many but dedicated researchers from Europe, providing a very nice ground for discussing new opportunities in the domain of ICT-enabled Governance.

With Barbara Re, the heart of the 2011 MetteG organization and fellows from Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Sweden

See my presentation on the Future Research Areas in ICT-enabled Governance here:

The Future Internet Enterprise Systems Hype Curve

This is the Future Internet Enterprise Systems Hype Curve, depicting the main technologies and offerings for enterprises for the next years, from inflated expectations to disillusionment, to productivity.

The Future Internet Enterprise Systems Technologies Hype Curve
(as presented in the Samos Summit on Future Internet, on July 4th 2011)

Υποβολή πρότασης στον 2ο Πανελλήνιο Φοιτητικό Διαγωνισμό Καινοτομίας στην Ηλεκτρονική Διακυβέρνηση

Η υποβολή υποψηφιοτήτων για τον Διαγωνισμό ξεκίνησε! Μπορείτε τώρα και μέχρι τις 15.07.2011 να υποβάλλετε την πρότασή σας στο διαγωνισμό. Η υποβολή γίνεται ηλεκτρονικά, ακολουθώντας τα παρακάτω τρία βήματα:

1. Συμπληρώστε τα απαραίτητα πεδία και υποβάλλετε τη Φόρμα Υποβολής Στοιχείων.

2. Προετοιμάστε το απαραίτητο Αρχείο Υποβολής Υποψηφιότητας, σε μορφή Word, χρησιμοποιώντας ένα από τα εξής πρότυπα: Το πρότυπο αρχείο υποβολής για την κατηγορία "Καλύτερη Ιδέα" - Το πρότυπο υποβολής για την κατηγορία "Καλύτερη Εφαρμογή"

3. Στείλτε το απαραίτητο αρχείο υποβολής υποψηφιότητας, επισυναπτόμενο σε email με θέμα "WeGov - τίτλος της πρότασής σας", στους εξής παραλήπτες: και  Μπορείτε να επισυνάψετε υποστηρικτικά της υποψηφιότητάς σας αρχεία συνολικού μεγέθους μέχρι 10MB. Σε περίπτωση αρχείων μεγαλύτερου όγκου, ή υποβολής πρωτότυπης εφαρμογής, σημειώστε στο αρχείο υποβολής το URL/URI όπου βρίσκονται τα επιπλέον στοιχεία. Φροντίσε ώστε τα στοιχεία αυτά να παραμείνουν διαθέσιμα μέχρι τις 30.07.2011

Θα λάβετε επιβεβαίωση λήψης μόλις ελεχθούν όλα τα στοιχεία υποβολής.

Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι με την υποβολή σας παραχωρείτε το δικαίωμα στους διοργανωτές του διαγωνισμού να συντηρήσουν, επεξεργαστούν και δημοσιοποιήσουν τα στοιχεία της πρότασής σας, για τους σκοπούς του διαγωνισμού.

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Καλή Επιτυχία!