What is Government 3.0 ?

Preparing my talk for the Samos 2015 Summit on ICT-enabled governance I noticed a scarcity of resources for Government 3.0 and the new paradigms for the public sector beyond 2015.  Apart from some early developments in Korea and a few presentations, not much to see on what is coming in this vivid domain.  So, I prepared a slideset that can be seen online below, and I only copy/paste a couple of things here:

Government 3.0 definition

Government 3.0 refers to the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies and neighboring scientific and technological domains, towards societal problems solving, resource optimization and citizen well-being, through civic and enterprise collaboration at local and international level

The paradigm shift for Government 3.0 

The e-Governance Hype Cycle

My complete slide set can be found at : http://www.slideshare.net/charalabidis/government-30 

Workshops on Open Data and Entrepreneurship at Krems, Austria

Being at Krems, Austria is a very nice experience, by itself.  So calming, so picturesque and SO clean that redefines a few performance thresholds and levels of citizen commitment.  A little difficult to reach, maybe as much as it should, by the somewhat busy but also well-managed Vienna International Airport, but very easy and welcoming when you get there - via three train connections, one change involving some goodish walking, should you take the train path (no direct bus, too). Thanks to our host Peter Parycek, friend and new professor of e-governance at Krems University, a shuttle bus took us there in 60 minutes. 

Krems an der Donau

Danube University Krems, exists within a very cosy, manageable Campus, combining the old buildings of the former tobacco processing / cigarette factory with a newly built, modern set of auditoriums and  labs.  Utilising such halls and some nearby hotels, the CEDEM Conference on eDemocracy and Open Government took place, together with the SHARE-PSI 2.0 meeting on open data and public sector transformation.

I has the pleasure to co-organise a workshop on Open Data critical success factors, together with colleagues from Netherlands, Sweden and Austria.  The workshop touched upon the key issues that public sector organisations, enterprises and citizens have to deal with, in order to have success in curating, publishing and using open data.  Get a glimpse at the taxonomy of critical success factors for open data, still being restructured through a series of workshops worldwide.

Workshop on Critical Success Factors for Open Data 

Then, I had the experience of organising another workshop on "University - based Business Accelerators", presenting and deliberating on the work we do with Aegean Startups, our new incubator in University of the Aegean.  My opening presentation on Business Accelerators lists some of the functions and services of these new organisations that Universities now put in place.

Participants of the Workshop on "University-based Business Accelerators"