The Kick-off meeting of PADGETS FP7 Research Project was held in NTUA, Athens on 25th - 26th January 2010.
The PADGETS project applies social networking techniques together with societal modelling, to enable policy makers in reaching justified decisions. Cizens participate in various modes and forms with the assistance of Policy Gadgets, specialised micro-applications in social nets, that can have several types of behaviour.
PADGETS is being implemented by a joined multi-national team of more than 40 researchers, coming from 12 partners:
- University of the Aegean (GR), as Coordinator,
- Whitehall Reply Srl (IT),
- Google (UK),
- University of Regensburg (DE),
- Politecnico di Torino (IT),
- Tech4i2 (UK),
- Piedmont Region (IT),
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Visit the project site at http://www.padgets.eu/