This JTAER special issue on "eGov Interoperability, Enterprise Architecture and Strategies" is aimed at contributing to the understanding formulation and elaboration of the issues involved in e-government interoperability, enterprise architectures, and solutions and strategies for governments, based on a combination of sound theoretical basis and empirical research.
Papers preferably combine theory and empirical research. The special issue seeks scholarly manuscripts that explore the following topics in relation to e-government interoperability, architecture and strategies:
• Example and (best) practices of changing strategies and business models underpinned by theories
• Architecture for facilitating strategies and technologies
• Public-private architectures frameworks, collaboration in networks
• Government 2.0
• Government-to-citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government
• Innovations, process redesign and technologies
• Enterprise architecture standards, principles and frameworks
• Free and open source software development and utilization
• Service-oriented architectures, web services, semantic web services, service orchestration and composition
• System, data- and process-based integration and transformation
• Identity management, privacy, security, public values
• Information reuse, information quality, ontologies and semantics
• Process, data and semantic modeling
• Next generation infrastructure, grid computing, cloud computing, ICT-(shared) services, and scalability issues
• Public values, evaluation of innovations
• Software as service, utility computing, platform as service, service providers
• Infrastructure, interoperability and enterprise architecture planning, and alignment
• Evolution, impact analyses and cost/benefit analysis
• Policies, strategies and governance
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) has been created to allow researchers, academicians and other professionals an agile and flexible channel of communication in which to share and debate new ideas and emerging technologies concerned with this rapidly evolving field. The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is published quarterly. The intended audience includes academicians, researchers and professionals in computer science, information management, telecommunications, business administration, sociology, law, financial services, as well as specialists in the field of electronic commerce.
- Full Script Submission: 30 July 2010
- Author Notification: 30 September 2010
- Revisions due by: 15 November 2010
- Final acceptance notification 15 December 2010
- Camera ready version: 15 January 2011
- Publication: 15 April 2011
We are soliciting for original works capturing aspect of business and information technology, both theoretical and applied. Manuscript capturing the e-government specific aspects and the edge of new technology and organizations are preferred. Author guidelines can be found at: All submission will be refereed by at least three reviewers. Submissions should be directed by email to
Dr. Marijn Janssen
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management
M.F.W.H.A.Janssen@tudelft.nlDr. Yannis Charalabidis
Information Systems Laboratory
University of the Aegean
yannisx@aegean.grDr. George Kuk
Nottingham University Business School
E-mail: Tony Cresswell
Center for Technology in Government (CTG)
University at Albany
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