Broadband Penetration in EU Member States

The new measurements of Broadband access in European Union Member States were published on October 15, 2007, by the European Commission.

Greece is in the 25th position, with an overall penetration of 6,8%. Concerning the speed of progress, Greece is at the European average, with 4,2% in an annual basis.

Find the complete review at

Interoperability Virtual Laboratory - General Assembly

The Interop-VLAB general assembly took place in Brussels, at 26th September 2007.

INTEROP-VLab is the "European virtual laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability", officially created as an AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) under the Belgian law.

The mission of INTEROP-VLab is to consolidate, develop and durably maintain the new European research community in the domain of Enterprise Interoperability.

INTEROP-VLab is a virtual, i.e. distributed and coordinated research organization, which is capable of aggregating existing and future research laboratories in close connection with industry, to achieve a number of goals that each single participant organization would not be able to realize.

VLab has local organisations, called Poles, in more than 10 European Countries and China.

For more information on VLAB, visit

Greek Elections: Internet Server Statistics

According to Greek newspaper "Naftemporiki", the internet system supporting the elections results presentation, met the expectations reaching new records for the country:

Within 48 Hours of operation
No of hits: 369.559.080
No of visitors: 1.297.277
No of web pages downloaded: 51.467.785
Ave pages per visitor: 39
Ave bandwidth: 100 Mbits/sec
Max bandwidth: 124 Mbits/sec
Total volume of data transferred: 1.1 Terra Byte

Greek Elections - A review of electronic services provided

A fully functional, english content web site for the Greek Elections (held 16.09.2007) is operating in, managed by the Greek Ministry of Interior and developed by SingularLogic.

You can try looking at candidates in large districts or even see the voting habits at a specific district, town or even neighbourhood !

Of course there is always room for becoming better: page metadata are not filled-in, WAI check shows incompatibilities and some districts are still missing.

Also, see the European Parliament elections site, for more results segmentations (graphics) and turnout trends (spectacular), at:

Interop VLAB Standardisation Group

Interop VLAB now has a Standardisation Group, focusing on e-Business and e-Government standardisation, led by Martin Zelm, CIMOSA.

It includes representatives of OMG-MDA, CEN TC 310, ISO TC 184 SC5,
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7, ISO TC 184 SC4, IFAC TC 5.3, and IFIP TC 8.5.

The eParticipation Workshop: Yannis Charalabidis - Ella Smith in eGOV 2007

The eParticipation Workshop, held on 6th Sedptember 2007, focused at problems and issues from concerging European regions. Cases involving organisations and citizens from Albania, Austria, Czech Republic, FYROM, Greece, Lithuania, Serbia and UK were presented.

The slide shows the most important solutions and ideas for eParticipation systems (survey among the participants).

eGOV Conference 2007 - Regensburg Germany

This is a post-mortem of eGOV 2007 Conference in Regensburg, Germany. The conference took place in the Regensburg University, between 3 and 6 September, 2007.

See also for the complete event.
Next eGOV - 2008 - in Torino.